The Horseshoe Trails PTO is responsible for fundraising $85,000 to support critical people and programs at our school. PTO dollars make a difference by supporting in the following ways:
Teacher Aides 48%
Horsemanship Program 12%
Teacher Appreciation 12%
Literacy Programs 8%
Encore Support 4%
General School Support 17%
Student Recognition & Awards
School Security System
How it's done...
Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:
- Becoming a member of the PTO
- Eating out on Spirit Nights (Restaurant nights)
- Buying Spirit Gear
- Donating online
- Saving and bringing in Box Tops for Education
- Shopping at certain local and national retailers
Easy ways to donate....
Create an account with a new or existing Fry’s Shopper’s Card. Search for “Horseshoe Trails Elementary” as the organization you’d like to support. Then buy your weekly groceries as usual!
Log-in to your Amazon account at Click on “Account Settings” and then select “Change Your Amazon Smile charity” under the “Other Programs” heading.
The Box Tops program is changing! You can now collect your box tops electronically and assigned them directly to your child’s Grade level.
Tuft+Needle generously donates 25% of every mattress sale to our school. Purchase a new mattress and help your school, win-win!
ALSO, many employers match donations made by their employees to charitable organizations like HTES PTO. Ask your employer about any similar programs!
Our students deserve a great education. The resources provided by your financial support allow students of Horseshoe Trails Elementary to receive an educational experience unparalleled in Arizona. Horseshoe Trails Elementary PTO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Thanks for all you do to make our school great!
HTES PTO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, qualified under the IRS regulations and deductibles as allowed by law. (Tax ID 20-2674239) Contact your tax advisor concerning the deductability of your donation. Any donation over $250 will automatically be issued a tax receipt, but we you can also request one for a donation of any amount – just send us an email after you make your donation at
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 28
- Thursday, March 6
Email us at:
or select a Sign Up Genius below:
If you can not see the sign ups, please update your 24/25 info.
Check out our Spirit Store!!
Items will ship directly to your home!
Stallion Spirit Wear Store...Click Here!
Monthly Spirit Wear Event!!!!!
Aug 9th, Sep 6th, Oct 11th,
Nov 1st, Dec 6th, Jan 10th,
Feb 7th, Mar 7th,
Apr 4th, May 2nd