First and Last Name Nanette Oakley
Monogram NLO
Birthdate (M/D) 01/12
What is your favorite:
Color: blue & black
Candy: Reese’s Cups, anything milk chocolate, Hot Tamales
Snack: popcorn, nuts, sea salt chips
Flower: any
Sport/Team: baseball
Fast Food: any
Restaurant: Buck & Rider, Vecina, Crujiente
Scent/Fragrance: citrus scents; Bath & Body Works Cactus Blossom
Beverage: Iced tea – any flavor
How do you take your coffee/tea and from where? vanilla latte (half sweetened) from Starbucks
Have any food allergies or dislikes? no
What are your hobbies/interests? Cooking, hiking, going out to eat/happy hour
Where are your favorite places to shop? (books, apparel, essentials and for pampering): Target, Amazon, Loft
Favorite music? Artists? Authors?
“If I had a spare $10, I would buy…” Starbucks coffee
“If I had a spare $100, I would buy…” clothes or shoes
“My idea of a perfect day includes…” happy hour, listening to live music with my husband, or spending time with my family & friends
For Teachers:
What do you find you always need more of in your classroom? Small prizes for our Silver Spur drawings in the office
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 28
- Thursday, March 6
Email us at: htesparents@gmail.com
or select a Sign Up Genius below:
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